16-17.10.22 Daily [bihar] BPSC Current Affairs

Bihar Affairs

Centre for Bay of Bengal Studies launched at Nalanda University

The Centre for Bay of Bengal Studies atNalanda University(NU) was inaugurated by Saurabh Kumar, secretary (east), ministry of external affairs.

It is envisioned as a leading interdisciplinary research centre engaged in research, TEACHING and developing evidence-based public policy on diverse subjects of the Bay of Bengal region. The initiative aims at building an empirical Learning program related to the Bay of Bengal region and to study the emerging challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.

He emphasised the importance of studying maritime HISTORY to establish India’s ancient linkages with its neighbouring countries. “As the centre grows and develops, it will aid researchers and policymakers in decisions related to the maritime domain,” he added.

He commended the efforts made by University for leading the initiatives for pan-Asian academic collaborations and developing a collective knowledge Network across the continent.

National and International Affairs

The new scheme, to be implemented during the remaining four years of the15thFinance Commissionfrom 2022-23 to 2025-26 have anoutlay of Rs.6,600 crore.

The PM-DevINE is in addition to the quantum of Resources available for the development of the NE region. It will not be a substitute for existing central and state schemes.

PM Modi declares Modhera as India’s first 24×7 solar powered village

Modi said Modhera was known for the Sun temple, now it will also be known as solar-powered village.

Modhera is famous for its Sun temple, which is situated on the river Pushpavati. It was built by King Bhima-I of the Chaulukya dynasty in 1026-27.

According to the Gujarat government, which shared information in a series of tweets, over 1000 solar panels have been installed on the village houses, generating electricity round the clock for the villagers. Significantly they will be provided with solar electricity at zero cost.

The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2022

New index shows governments worldwide stoked an inequality explosion during COVID-19 pandemic

Half of the poorest countries saw Health spendings drop despite the pandemic, while 95 percent of all countries froze or even lowered taxes on rich people and corporates

Rich and poor countries alike have exacerbated an explosion of economic inequality since the outbreak of the pandemic from 2020, reveals new research by Oxfam and Development Finance International (DFI).

The overwhelming majority of governments cut their of health, Education and social protection spending. At the same time, they refused to raise taxes on excessive profits and soaring wealth.

The2022 Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index(CRI Index) is the first detailed analysis into the type of inequality busting policies and actions that 161 countries might have pursued during the first two years of the pandemic.

China launches Kuafu-1, its first comprehensive solar probe

China launched its first comprehensive solar probe, the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S), according to the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It’s the world’s first near-Earth satellite Telescope to simultaneously monitor solar flares, coronal mass ejections and the sun’s , according to Gan Weiqun, the satellite’s principal scientist from the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The mission is a combination of several innovations such as the development of the solar-monitoring instrument installed on the satellite.

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