DMPQ- Write an essay on the Land frontiers of India.

India shares her 15,200 long land frontier with Pakistan, in the west and north-west.   Afghanistan in the north-west, China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north, and Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. India’s longest border is with Bangladesh while the shortest border is with Afghanistan.       Some of the important international border point … Read more

DMPQ- The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)

The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) is a framework for providing protection against global liquidity pressures. This includes currency issues where members’ national currencies are being adversely affected by global financial pressures. It is found that emerging economies that experienced rapid economic liberalization went through increased economic volatility, bringing uncertain macroeconomic environment. Join Our Telegram … Read more

DMPQ: India has adopted an adhoc administrative policy to accord protection to refugee ever since independence. Discuss the issues attached with this outlook.

India has adopted an adhoc administrative policy to accord protection to refugees ever since independence. This poses following problems: India itself a developing country with huge population so problem related to lack of basic amenities. No law to regulate statues,entry,rights and rehabilitation of refugees. No distinction between foreigner and refugee in the country, who are … Read more


BBIN stands for Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal Motor Vehicle Act It is an Unprecedented step that aims at shared prosperity in South Asia. Meant to facilitate movement of commercial vehicles across the borders of B-B-I-N The main objective of the agreement is to provide seamless people-to-people contact and enhance economic interaction by facilitating cross … Read more

DMPQ: Evaluate India’s role in NAM

2018 marked the 68th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement. Created as an institution to counter the bipolar world order and give voice to much of the third world, the Non-Aligned Movement today remains as relevant as it was when it was founded. Today, 120 countries are are part of NAM and each of these countries … Read more

DMPQ: SHangari-la dialogue

The Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD) is a “Track One” inter-governmental security forum held annually by an independent think tank, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) which is attended by defense ministers, permanent heads of ministries and military chiefs of 28 Asia-Pacific states. The forum gets its name from the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore where it … Read more

DMPQ- Significance of Golan heights. (IR/Disputes)

The Golan Heights, a rocky plateau in south-western Syria, has a political and strategic significance which belies its size. Israel unilaterally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981. The move was not recognised internationally, although the US Trump Administration did so unilaterally in March 2019.There are more than 30 Jewish settlements on the heights, with an … Read more

DMPQ- Short note on UNCLOS.

UN Convention on the Law of Sea is the international agreement that resulted from the 3rd United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. It provides a regulatory framework for the use of the world’s seas and oceans, to ensure the conservation and equitable usage of resources and the marine environment and to ensure … Read more

DMPQ- Write short note on Indus water treaty.

The Indus Water Treaty (IWT) is a water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan signed on September 19, 1960. The treaty was signed by the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistan’s President Ayub Khan. It was brokered by the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development). According to treaty, all the water of eastern rivers( Sutlej, Beas, Ravi) … Read more

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