Applications Of Space Technology In India

 Applications of Space Technology in India Agriculture Information on crop statistics is required for planning and decision making purposes, such as, distribution and storage of food grains, Govt. policies, pricing, procurement and food security and so on. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare effectively uses contemporary techniques of satellite remote sensing in such … Read more

Digital India

Digital India Digital India is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. This programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) and will impact ministry of communications & IT, ministry of rural development, ministry of human … Read more

Bt Cotton

 Bt cotton Bt cotton is an insect-resistant transgenic crop designed to combat the bollworm. Bt cotton was created by genetically altering the cotton genome to express a microbial protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. In short, the transgene inserted into the plant’s genome produces toxin crystals that the plant would not normally produce … Read more

Exothermic And Endothermic Reactions.

 Endothermic Reactions Endothermic reactions are those chemical reactions where energy is absorbed by the system from the surroundings mostly in the form of heat. The concept is applied in the physical sciences like chemical reactions where hear is converted to chemical bond energy by way of experiments. Common examples of endothermic … Read more

Impact Of Solid Waste; Recycling And Reuse

 Impact of Solid Waste; Recycling and Reuse HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS An effective solid waste management system is necessary to avoid public health disasters, spread of disease by insects and vectors and adverse effect on water and air. Solid waste workers are the most exposed to the risks of parasitic infections and accidents, … Read more

Flood And Drought Occurance

 Flood and Drought Occurrence Drought Drought is a complex, slow-onset phenomenon of ecological challenge that affects people more than any other natural hazards by causing serious economic, social and environmental losses in both developing and developed countries. The period of unusual dryness (i.e. drought) is a normal feature of the climate and weather … Read more

Food Laws And Regulations

 Food laws and regulations Until recently, effectiveness of food control in the Indian domestic market was found to be severely undermined by the existence of multiple jurisdictions, and weaknesses in surveillance, monitoring and enforcement. Several of these food laws were enacted under different ministries in India that had their own rules and orders, … Read more

Stem Cell Research

 Stem Cell Research Stem cells are undifferentiated, or “blank,” cells. This means they’re capable of developing into cells that serve numerous functions in different parts of the body. Most cells in the body are differentiated cells. These cells can only serve a specific purpose in a particular organ. For example, red blood cells … Read more

Contibution Of Indian Scientist

 Contribution of Indian  Scientist:   Scientist Achievement Homi Jehangir Baba Father of Indian Nuclear Programme, Carried out first nuclear test 1974, Atomic energy establishment was renamed Bhabha Atomic research centre. Venkatraman Ramakrishna Indian origin biologist cum scientist won nobel prize in 2009 in chemistry. He pioneered in the studies of the structure and … Read more

Blood Group

 Blood group Blood group is an inherited feature on the surface of the red blood cells. A series of related blood types constitutes a blood group system, such as the Rh or ABO system. The frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood types vary from population to population. In the US, the most … Read more

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