DMPQ:What are the types of Jurisdictions of Supreme Court?

Original jurisdiction means a lis or a matter where Supreme Court is the first court to be approached. Under Article 131 Supreme Court has original jurisdiction only in respect of disputes which involve Central and State Govt or two State Govt.. It can be in three forms. Union of India v. State, Union of India v. One or more States, Union of India and State or more than one State v. State or more than one State, or State or more than one State v. State or more than one State.

In review jurisdiction SC sits in review of the matter it has already decided and review jurisdiction is governed by Article 137 of the Constitution,

which gives power to SC to review its judgement. A review is permissible only on two grounds first if there is any apparent error on face of record which leads to perversity of the judgement or if some new evidence has been found which was not available earlier out of no fault of the party and was not discovered despite the best attempts made by the party.

Under advisory jurisdiction the President may request the SC to provide it’s opinion in any issue of fact or law that has arisen or may arise. This jurisdiction is under Article 143 of the Constitution.

Under Appellate jurisdiction SC can hear matters only when it is appealed against the order of any HC. There is no inherent right to appeal unless statute provides.there are only two grounds on which an appeal may lie before the SC as per Article 133.

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