2-3-02.2020 Bihar (BPSC) Daily Current Affairs

Muzaffarpur records poorest AQI in country
Muzaffarpur recorded the poorest air quality in the country on Thursday as the air quality index (AQI) stood at 418.
Patna’s AQI, on the other hand, was ranked the fourth worst.
The Air Quality Early Warning System of the Ministry of Earth Sciences has predicted that the overall AQI of Patna will witness a sharp decline due to climatic conditions.


Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020
The Union Cabinet approved the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020, to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971.
the proposed amendment seeks to enhance the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks for special categories of women that will be defined in the amendments to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Rules and will include ‘vulnerable women including survivors of rape, victims of incest and other vulnerable women (like differently-abled women, minors) etc.

Financial allocation for foriegn Nations in Budget 2020:
India has allocated ₹800 crore to the projects under way in Nepal for 2020-21.
The Budget also showed substantial reduction for “other developing countries” that will now receive ₹120 crore compared to last year’s allocation of ₹150 crore.
For African department ₹350 crore has been allocated for next year in comparison to last year’s ₹450 crore.
Sri Lanka has also been trimmed from previous year’s ₹205 crore to ₹200 crore.
Bhutan, the usual recipient of the largest share of Indian aid, continues in the top rung with ₹2,884.65 crore.
Financial support for Afghanistan continues to remain the same at ₹400 crore.

Digital Police Portal

citizen-centric services were launched by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) on the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) platform.
Citizens can search for their missing kin against the national database of recovered unidentified found persons or unidentified dead bodies, from their homes. This will hugely benefit relatives of missing persons and save them from running pillar to post, as all such details, including photos, are available in the CCTNS and will now be accessible to citizens through this portal at their convenience

6 more routes identified for high-speed railway corridors
six corridors include the Delhi-Noida-Agra-Lucknow-Varanasi
the Delhi-Jaipur-Udaipur-Ahmedabad sections.

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