DMPQ- Describe the different variants of PSLV (Polar satellite launch vehicle).

The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has proved itself to be a versatile vehicle for diverse missions and is now the workhorse of ISRO. It was the first launcher to gain operational status.  PSLV is meeting the national requirements as well as the launch requirements for international customers. The long string of consecutive successes and multi-satellite launch capability has reinforced the status of PSLV as a reliable, versatile and affordable launcher in the global market. Over the years, continual technological improvements have enhanced the payload capability to 1700 kg into 600 km Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit (SSPO) and 1425 kg into Sub Geo-Synchronous Transfer Orbit of 284 km x 20650 km. The fact that PSLV was used to place Chandrayaan-1 in India’s first lunar mission and Mangalyaan in India’s first Mars orbiter Mission, is a testimony to its reliability and versatility.


No. of strap-on motors : Nil

Payload capability to SSPO (600 km) : 1019 Kg


No. of strap-on motors : Two

Payload capability to SSPO (600 km) : 1257 Kg


No. of strap-on motors : Four

Payload capability to SSPO (600 km) : 1523 Kg


No. of strap-on motors : Six

Payload capability to SSPO (600 km) : 1673 Kg

Payload capability to sub GTO (284 x 20650 km) : 1425 Kg

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