DMPQ- Why Central Asia region is important for India?

  India has a very wide array of interests in Central Asia covering security, energy, economic opportunities etc. Central Asia serves as a land bridge between Asia and Europe, making it geopolitically axial for India. Security, stability and prosperity of Central Asia is imperative for peace and economic development of India. The region is rich … Read more

Discuss the following: a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report

a) Corruption perception index: Released by berlin based non- government organisation Transparency International. India’s ranking slid to 81 among a group of 180 countries. b) Press freedom index: The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published byReporters without Borders based upon the organisation’s own assessment of thecountries’ press freedom records … Read more


It is the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia.  Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are its members.   Its secretariat is based in Kathmandu, Nepal. The organization promotes development of economic and regional integration.  SAARC maintains permanent diplomatic relations at the United Nations as an … Read more

India joined Hague code of conduct in 2016. What is this hague code of conduct?

The International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, also known asthe Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC), was established on 25 November 2002 as anarrangement to prevent the proliferation of ballistic missiles. It is the result of international efforts to regulate access to ballistic missileswhich can potentially deliver weapons of mass destruction. The HCOC is … Read more

DMPQ: India has been accorded observer status in the arctic council. What are the implications for India. (IR)

The Arctic Council is the leading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants on common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic. IMPLICATION OF OBSERVER STATUS TO INDIA: Observers do not have a role in decision … Read more

DMPQ- What do you understand by the following term: a) Axis of Evil b) Golden crescent c) Golden triangle

Axis of evil: Axis of evil, expression used to describe the bellicose tendencies of Iran, North Korea, and Iraq in the early 21st century. The phrase was coined by Canadian-born U.S. presidential speechwriter David Frum and presidential aide Michael Gerson for use by U.S. President George W. Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address. Golden crescent: The Golden Crescent is a mountainous area of Iran, Afghanistan … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Bunker convention.

The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER) is an International treaty listed and administered by the International Maritime Organization, signed in London on 23 March 2001 and in force generally on 21 November 2008. The purpose is to adopt uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and … Read more


BCIM is a sub-regional organisation of Asian nations aimed at greater integration of trade and investment between the four countries. The multi-modal corridor will be the first expressway between India and China and will pass through Myanmar and Bangladesh. The advantages are envisaged to accrue from greater market access for goods, services and energy, elimination … Read more