Quick Revision ( Article:3, Science): Type Of Nuclear Reactors

  QUICK REVISION ( ARTICLE:3, SCIENCE): TYPE OF NUCLEAR REACTORS   COMPONENTS OF NUCLEAR REACTOR:   Fuel: Usually pellets of uranium oxide (UO2) arranged in tubes to form fuel rods. The rods are arranged into fuel assemblies in the reactor core   Moderator: This is material which slows down the neutrons released from fission so … Read more

The Thrust Of The Scientific Policy Resolution

 The thrust of the Scientific Policy Resolution, 1958 was on capacity-building in advancement of science as the foundation for making a strong nation, which had just freed itself from the shackles of colonial domination . The focus of the Technology Policy Statement, 1983 was attainment of technological self-reliance and building of national strength … Read more

Uses And Harms Of Nuclear Energy

 Pros of Nuclear Energy Low Pollution: Nuclear power also has a lot fewer greenhouse emissions. It has been determined that the amount of greenhouse gases have decreased by almost half because of the prevalence in the utilization of nuclear power. Nuclear energy has the least effect on nature since it doesn’t discharge any gasses … Read more

Science And Technology In Ancient Period

 : Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology and Medicine (including Surgery), Ship- building, Mining and Metallurgy, Engineering and Architecture Like people in any other part of the world Indians too, have a rich legacy of scientific ideas. A desire to now the unknown, accompanied with experimentation and observation have always generated scientific temper. … Read more

Vector Borne Diseases

 Vector borne diseases Main vectors and diseases they transmit Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from animals to humans. Many of these vectors are bloodsucking insects, which ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host (human or animal) and later inject it into a new … Read more

Simple Telescope And Astronomical Telescope

 , Construction working, uses, ray diagram Simple telescope A simple working telescope requires nothing more than a pair of lenses mounted in a tube. The lens in front, known as the objective, focuses an image; the lens in back, known as the eyepiece, magnifies the image. Although it may seem like a crude device, … Read more


QUICK REVISION: NANOTECH AND ITS APPLICATION   Definition:Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science.   APPLICATION OF NANO ON HEALTH SECTOR: Repairing of damaged … Read more

Science And Technology In Ancient Period

 Science and Technology in Ancient Period: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology and Medicine (including Surgery), Ship- building, Mining and Metallurgy, Engineering and Architecture Like people in any other part of the world Indians too, have a rich legacy of scientific ideas. A desire to now the unknown, accompanied with experimentation and … Read more

Various Chemical And Biological Weapons

 Various chemical and biological weapons chemical weapons A chemical weapon is any toxic chemical that can cause death, injury, Subscribe on YouTube incapacitation, and sensory irritation, deployed via a delivery system, such as an artillery shell, rocket, or ballistic missile. Chemical weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction and their use in armed … Read more

Tuberculosis Programme

 Tuberculosis Programme TB was declared as a global health emergency in 1993. In the same year, India established the RNTCP as a small pilot project. This project was scaled up nationwide between 1998–2006. The overall vision of RNTCP is “A TB free India”—a situation in which TB is no longer a major public … Read more

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