Infrastructure of Bihar 2

Infrastructure of Bihar 2 INFRASTRUCTURE AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT A sound infrastructural base is a key for economic development. The availability of adequate infrastructure not only promotes rapid industrialization, it also improves the quality of life of the people. Therefore, the state government is very much focused on development of high quality infrastructure to sustain the … Read more

28.11.17 Bihar (BPSC) Daily Current Affairs

BIHAR   Declare Cyclopean Wall as heritage site: CM Nitish Kumar   Chief minister Nitish Kumar pitched for a world heritage status to 22km-long Cyclopean Wall while inaugurating the three-day Rajgir Mahotsav at Rajgir International Convention Centre (RICC).   The Cyclopean Wall at Rajgir is among the oldest specimens of this type of masonry across the world. Our government’s … Read more