Bihar Climate

Bihar Climate

Introduction: Situated in the eastern piece of India, Bihar is a state with rich social legacy and is one of the most established occupied places on the planet. Atmosphere is one of the real reasons that made Bihar a noteworthy farming center, which may had influenced individuals to occupy this district in old circumstances.

Bihar atmosphere is as per the atmosphere winning in different parts of the Indian sub landmass. The place appreciates outrageous frosty with downpours and serious summer season too.

In light of its topographical area, its atmosphere is highly impacted by the Himalayas and Ganga level. Bihar’s climatic conditions can be partitioned into four sections: summer, winter, storm and post rainstorm. Winter season is set apart with low temperatures which might be as low as 5-10°C degrees while summer is set apart with high temperature and a trademark sweltering breeze ‘loo’. Bihar gets a sensible decent precipitation that contributes much to the horticulture and fisheries segments. Individuals in Bihar and their way of life are quite adjusted to the climatic conditions.

Bihar Climate


The frosty climate starts right on time in November and proceeds until the center of the March. It is amid this time, the temperatures floats around 8 degree Celsius to 10 degrees.

January is the coldest month, be that as it mayWinters begin toward the beginning of November and stretches out up to mid-March. Days are frosty yet charming with warm sun and splendid light at the same time, temperature falls when the sun sets. Evenings are by and large colder than days.

The mean temperature in November is around 21°C, while in December it might drop down to a normal of 17°C. Temperature falls still down in January, which denotes the coldest month in the entire year. Normal temperature in the long stretch of January is around 16°C, however it might drop down to 4°C-10 °C. Days in March are by and large wonderful. Bihar gets little rain amid winter, with a normal of around 3-4mm.



Beginning of sweltering climate is from mid March onwards. It proceeds until mid June. Amid this time, it is to a great degree hot in Bihar. This is the time when as a rule people stay inside. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that one wishes to go for investigating the regions of Bihar, one needs to get ready, which incorporates taking plentiful of drinking water to stay away from lack of hydration and related issues.

Summer begins from April and keeps going up to the center of June. Temperature ascends from the lovely March climate (mean temperature around 24°C) because of westerly breezes. Days in April are significantly hot with a normal temperature of 30°C. Temperature achieves the statures amid May with a normal temperature of around 35 °C (it might reach as high as at least 42°c), which makes it the most sweltering month in the entire year. Summer in Bihar, much the same as the majority of the North Indian States, is set apart with tidy tempests and thunder-storms.

Tidy tempests for the most part happen in May and a large portion of them have a speed of around 48-64 km/hr. They are most incessant in May while April and Junes shares the lower positions. Hot breezes called ‘Loo” blows through the Bihar fields amid April and May with a normal speed of 8-16 km/hour. ‘Loo’ is more similar to warm waves and causes extensive distress for the general population there. Precipitation amid summer is sparse, with a normal of 45mm.



Monsoon can be further divided as pre-monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon.

Not long after the burning sun hits the state, stormy season proceeds until mid September. The start of this climate is the point at which a tempest emerges from the Bay of Bengal. It is additionally a decent time to visit Bihar as yields hypnotizes your spirit with their lavish green appearance. The temperature stays direct more often than not in this season. For the individuals who love to stroll in rain, this is the best time to visit Bihar, as there is sufficient of chance for them.

Monsoon begins by mid-June and endures till end of September. Temperature drops with the appearance of Monsoon be that as it may, the moistness increments. Rainstorm initiates when the ‘storm twist’ from Bay of Bengal disregards Bihar. In spite of the fact that the season starts at June, contingent on the landing of Monsoon wind it might come as ahead of schedule as a week ago of May or as late as first or second seven day stretch of July.

July and August for the most part get greatest precipitation. Storm precipitation is talented by the south west rainstorm. The harsh warmth of the blustery season may persevere till August. Normal precipitation amid June is around 185.5mm, which ascends to a normal of around 340mm in July. It drops down again in August to a normal of around 259mm.

There are three particular territories in Bihar which gets high precipitation, more than 1800mm/annum. Two of these areas lie on northern and north-western wings of Bihar and the third locale lies on the Netarhat congratulate in the Chota Nagpur Plateau. Rainstorm is responsible for over 90% of the aggregate precipitation in Bihar. The normal temperature is around 31°C. The south-west rainstorm that causes precipitation in Bihar for the most part pulls back in the main seven day stretch of October.

The withdraw of Monsoon clear way to the attack of tropical violent winds to race into the state. These violent winds begin in the Bay of Bengal at around 12°N Latitude. Bihar is impacted by the tropical storms, which begin in the South China Sea. The periods of September and October are set apart with the recurrence of the tropical twisters in Bihar.

These typhoons have extraordinary impact in Bihar’s horticultural part. These violent winds are viewed as basic for the developing of paddy. Additionally, they help in dampening of the dirt making it reasonable for the development of Rabi crops. The normal temperature amid these months is around 27°C. Bihar keeps accepting precipitation amid this period too. It might get a normal precipitation of 240 mm in September, while in October it drops down to around 39mm.

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