Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s

Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares, stock, bonds hire-purchase insurance business or chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business … Read more

Industrial policy

Industrial policy Objectives: To create high quality world class infrastructure facilities in the State and enhance connectivity to the National Capital Region (NCR) and other leading markets. To provide single window facilitation in the State to expedite project clearances and provide an investor friendly climate. To provide and facilitate expeditious land availability for setting Industrial … Read more

food security scheme

food security scheme After the rural job guarantee programme, the government is now focusing on an ambitious National Food Security Act aimed at drawing more people into the food security net. It has made a strong pitch for providing 35 kg of cereal at Rs 3 per kg every month to the poor of this … Read more

Pattern of Revenue Expenditure

Pattern of Revenue Expenditure In India, government expenditure – as per the provision in the Constitution – is divided into revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. However, the adoption of economic planning shifted emphasize on the division of expenditure into Plan and Non-Plan. The share of Non-Plan expenditure has remained close to 70% and that of … Read more


ADMINISTERED PRICES INCLUDING MSP AND PROCUREMENT PRICES Historical context The emergence of agricultural Price Policy in India was in the backdrop of food scarcity and price fluctuations provoked by drought, floods and international prices for exports and imports. This policy in general was directed towards ensuring reasonable food prices for consumers by providing food grains … Read more

National Income

National Income To see the economic development of the country.The study of National Income is important because of the following reasons: To assess the developmental objectives. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National Income. Internationally some countries are wealthy, some countries are not wealthy and some countries are in-between. Under such circumstances, … Read more

Age structure, sex ratio and Rural-Urban composition of India

Age structure, sex ratio and Rural-Urban composition of India Rural-Urban Composition: For the first time since Independence, the absolute increase in population is more in urban areas that in rural areas Rural Population in India: 68.84% Urban Population in India:31.16% Level of urbanization increased from 27.81% in 2001 Census to 31.16% in 2011 Census The … Read more

Human Development Index

Human Development Index The HDI is an average measure of basic human development achievements in a country measured by UNDP. It is an average of long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development viz. a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. India has been placed at 130th … Read more

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