An introduction to economy of Bihar

An introduction to economy of Bihar BIHAR ECONOMY: AN OVERVIEW The growth momentum of the Bihar’s economy, experienced in the last decade, was continued in the recent years also. Last year the Central Statistical Organisation has released a new series of GSDP, with 2011-12 as the base year for estimation of both national and state … Read more

Main features of Budget of Bihar

Main features of Budget of Bihar Budget Highlights The Gross State Domestic Product of Bihar for 2017-18 at current prices is estimated to be Rs 6,32,180 crore. This is 17% higher than the revised estimates for 2016-17. Total expenditure for 2017-18 is estimated to be Rs 1,60,086 crore, 3.7% higher than the revised estimates of … Read more

Bihar : Tax and Economic Reforms

Bihar : Tax and Economic Reforms The economic liberalization in India , initiated in 1991, with principles of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization (LPG) of the country’s economic policies, with the goal of making the economy more market and service-oriented and expanding the role of private and foreign investment. Specific changes include a reduction in import tariffs, … Read more

Bihar Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Bihar Public Finance and fiscal Policy Basic Understanding of Public Finance Public finance as a concept may be understood on two levels – as a practical activity of all components of public administration and As a theoretical area. The term “public finance“ may be defined as the identification of specific financial relationships and functions running between public … Read more