Infrastructure of Bihar 2

Infrastructure of Bihar 2 INFRASTRUCTURE AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT A sound infrastructural base is a key for economic development. The availability of adequate infrastructure not only promotes rapid industrialization, it also improves the quality of life of the people. Therefore, the state government is very much focused on development of high quality infrastructure to sustain the … Read more

Bihar : Trade and Commerce

Bihar : Trade and Commerce Bihar is located in the eastern part of India. The state enjoys a specific advantage because of its proximity to the vast markets of eastern and northern India, access to ports such as Kolkata and Haldia and to raw material resources and mineral reserves from the neighbouring states. The Gross … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar

Irrigation and Hydropower of Bihar Irrigation is being practiced there since past chemical analysis back to Kautilya, World Health Organization lived in Patliputra (now Patna), that was the capital of the mighty Mauryan empire (400 BC). Kautilya had ordered down the principles on precipitation and irrigation in his renowned book Kautilya Arthasashtra. In Bihar the history … Read more