Agriculture of Bihar

Agriculture of Bihar :- Agriculture of Bihar is the vital source of wealth in the State with about 79% of its population is engaged in agricultural pursuits. Agriculture of Bihar productive contribution in food grain, fruit, vegetables, spices and flowers can increase manifold with improved methods and system management. Agro-Climate Condition:– Based on soil characterization, rainfall, temperature … Read more

Geographical location of Bihar

Geographical location of Bihar:- Introduction:- Bihar is a land locked state lying in the eastern part of India although  the  outlet  to  the  sea  through  the  port  of  Kolkata  is  not  far away.  Bihar  lies  mid-way  between  the  humid  West  Bengal  in  the  east  and  the  sub  humid  Uttar Pradesh in the west which provides … Read more

Horticulture of Bihar

Horticulture of Bihar-Horticulture is the science or strength of creating regular items, vegetables, blooms, or expound plants. Etymologically, “Agriculture” can be isolated into two Latin words: hortus (garden) and cultus (working). Horticulture is the advancement of garden plants, common items, berries, nuts, vegetables, blooms, trees, shrubs and turf. Horticulturists work for plant multiplication, trim age, … Read more

Industrial development of Bihar

Industrial development of Bihar Bihar is one of the fastest growing states in India. The economy of Bihar is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.4% during 2012-2017 i.e. the 12th Five-Year Plan. Bihar has witnessed strong growth in per capita net state domestic product (NSDP). At current prices, per … Read more

Bihar Climate

Bihar Climate Introduction: Situated in the eastern piece of India, Bihar is a state with rich social legacy and is one of the most established occupied places on the planet. Atmosphere is one of the real reasons that made Bihar a noteworthy farming center, which may had influenced individuals to occupy this district in old … Read more

Census of Bihar

Census of Bihar:- On 1st March, 2001, the state of Bihar, with an area of 94,163 sq kms approximately, had a population of 8,28,78,796 persons. Till 1991 Census, the composite state of Bihar was the second most populous state in the country (containing slightly more than 10% of the country’s population), next only to Uttar … Read more

Migration of Bihar

Migration of Bihar Human migration, being the movement by people from one place to a different with the intention of subsiding quickly or for good within the new location, typically involves movements over long distances and from one country or region to a different. Migration is voluntary or involuntary. Involuntary migration includes the slave traffic, trafficking in people at large and group action. Migration is dependent on loads of things, as well as job handiness within the state. The source of current migration from state is copied back to the … Read more

Scheduled tribes of Bihar

Scheduled tribes of Bihar A tribe is a traditional society governed by rituals, blood ties, social, economical and religion. A unique culture within the tribe makes it unique in terms of qualities and characteristics. Bihar is the residing place of many tribes influencing the culture and society of the state. A decade back the number … Read more

Fishing of Bihar

Fishing of Bihar Fish farming is an important and fast growing sector in Bihar. The economy of Bihar is mainly dependent on agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries. Fisheries and aquaculture sector play a key role in food security and employment generation as significant proportion of population depend upon fisheries, aquaculture and allied activities for their livelihood … Read more

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