Environment and General Science

Detailed Notes for Environment and General Science

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What are the major environmental issues in Bihar?

Bihar faces several environmental challenges, including:

  • Floods: Due to its location in the Gangetic plains, Bihar is prone to frequent floods, especially during the monsoon season. The Kosi River is known as the “Sorrow of Bihar” due to its devastating floods.
  • Deforestation: Bihar has experienced significant deforestation due to agricultural expansion, urbanization, and illegal logging. This has led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.
  • Pollution: Air and water pollution are major concerns, especially in urban areas and industrial belts. Industrial effluents and agricultural runoff pollute rivers and groundwater.
  • Climate Change: Bihar is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and changing rainfall patterns.

 What are the major environmental initiatives in Bihar?

The Bihar government has taken several initiatives to address environmental issues, including:

  • Jal Jeevan Hariyali Mission: Launched to improve water conservation, increase green cover, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • National Mission for Clean Ganga: Implemented to clean and rejuvenate the Ganges River and its tributaries in Bihar.
  • Bihar State Pollution Control Board: Responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution levels in the state.
  • Renewable Energy Promotion: Encouraging the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

FAQs on Environment and General Science of Bihar

 What are the

major environmental issues in Bihar?

Bihar faces several environmental challenges, including:

  • Floods: Due to its location in the Gangetic plains, Bihar is prone to frequent floods, especially during the monsoon season. The Kosi River is known as the “Sorrow of Bihar” due to its devastating floods.
  • Deforestation: Bihar has experienced significant deforestation due to agricultural expansion, urbanization, and illegal logging. This has led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.
  • Pollution: Air and water pollution are major concerns, especially in urban areas and industrial belts. Industrial effluents and agricultural runoff pollute rivers and groundwater.
  • Climate Change: Bihar is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and changing rainfall patterns.

 What are the major environmental initiatives in Bihar?

The Bihar government has taken several initiatives to address environmental issues, including:

  • Jal Jeevan Hariyali Mission: Launched to improve water conservation, increase green cover, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • National Mission for Clean Ganga: Implemented to clean and rejuvenate the Ganges River and its tributaries in Bihar.
  • Bihar State Pollution Control Board: Responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution levels in the state.
  • Renewable Energy Promotion: Encouraging the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

 What is the importance of science in Bihar?

Science plays a crucial role in Bihar’s development, particularly in agriculture, healthcare, and education. Scientific advancements have led to improved crop yields, better disease management, and enhanced educational opportunities.

 What are the major scientific institutions in Bihar?

Bihar is home to several scientific institutions, including:

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna: A premier institute of technology and engineering education.
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT) Patna: A national-level institute offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering and technology.
  • Rajendra Agricultural University: A leading agricultural university focused on research and education in agriculture and allied sciences.
  • Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences: A major medical college and hospital providing healthcare services and medical education.

 What are the major scientific achievements of Bihar?

Bihar has contributed to scientific advancements in various fields, including:

  • Mathematics: Aryabhata, a renowned mathematician and astronomer, was born in Bihar and made significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy.
  • Medicine: Sushruta, an ancient Indian surgeon and the author of Sushruta Samhita, a comprehensive medical treatise, is believed to have practiced in Bihar.
  • Agriculture: Bihar has been a major center of agricultural research and development, contributing to the Green Revolution in India.


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